We are striking up the band again!
We hope to raise awareness and ignite conversation using “Story” as a way to bring understanding and in some way process confusion and help bring healing to our hurting country. This is very fitting, in lieu of recent news.
Quick summary of what YOUTHEATRE is embarking upon next year.
We have been invited to premier this play at the Jericho Arts Centre next March 2022.
During that two week opening run, we will be driving a stake into the ground to commemorate the launch of our cross country journey.
We will be driving many stakes in the ground as we venture eastward, honouring those lives who have been affected by the Residential School system.
We have open doors on Vancouver Island, Prince George, Yukon, High Level AB, Grand Prairie AB, as well as several nations in Saskatchewan and in Ontario.
We will end the tour by driving a final stake in the ground in Burnt Church (Esgenoopetitj), New Brunswick, where my Mi’kmaq ancestors are buried and still reside.
From Pacific coast to the Atlantic coast there will be an invisible thread uniting our communities signifying one common bond of Truth and Justice.
If you would like more information or would like to somehow get involved in some capacity, please drop us a line.
s t o r y “at” y o u t h e a t r e s o c i e t y . c o m